Let's face it. The majority of us will not live "fabulous" lives. As one of my favorite books, "The subtle Art of not Giving a Fuck" states, some of us were born to be average and we need to learn to be okay with that. The lives we see the Kardashians, billionaires and celebrities living online full of private planes, bottomless checking accounts and villas on the coast of France is not what the majority of us will experience. Not to depress you, just a fact...and it's really ok! Leaves more room for growth in our next life...if you believe in that sort of thing.
On that note though, we need to romanticize our own life. We need to find magic within our everyday, "boring" life. Once you've done that, the small things will matter, the average things will bring you joy because your mindset will have shifted.
1. The Hot Girl (or guy) Walk
Where I heard about this, I'm not sure, (probably Tik Tok) but I am so glad I did. A hot girl walk is the act of going for a walk where you are ONLY allowed to manifest, daydream, listen to inspiring podcasts or think about how confident and badass you are. That's it. This walk allows you silent time to think and manifest the life you want to create. I've starting taking walks during the lunch break and not only does the sunshine elevate my energy after it has been sucked away by corporate America, I walk and daydream of the things in life that bring me joy, I see beautiful flowers, count the clouds, wave to neighbors and listen to the music I love. Try it and you will not be disappointed.
2. Count 4 things you are grateful for every morning
In first few minutes between asleep and awake, your brain is in its most powerful state. It is exiting dream land and entering the world of the living where anxieties, stress and other humans rule. These first few minutes are crucial to setting the tone for your day. The smell of coffee in the morning, the sunlight shining through the blinds, your doggie cuddling next to you, your partner, your mom...whatever it is, count and collect four things you are grateful for when you wake up to start your day off on a positive note.
3. Stop to smell the roses
Yeah we always hear this saying but it truly is so important in the pursuit of romance. Taking a moment to appreciate nature around you, whether it be a house plant, rose bush or tree growing outside your window is meditative for the soul and will heighten your positive energy. It sounds cuckoo but we are one with nature, the sky, the sea, the plants, we all live and breathe the same energy. Look around and appreciate what we've been given.
4. Order the good wine
My cousin recently shared this thought with me and it really stuck. The basic concept is that life is short, money is fleeting and you can't take it with you when you die, so why spend the best years of your life penny pinching by ordering the cheap wine? What are we waiting for? When is it "allowed" to order the good wine? Make space in your life to treat yourself and enjoy the little things we can during these temporary trips around the sun.
5. Make space for alone time
Wow I love alone time. When I lived in NYC, I loved walking through the city alone with my thoughts (a hot girl walk even then) and even now in Phoenix, I take any excuse I can to go for drives, zone out to a trash tv show or read my book in silence. Alone time is where you can find your peace, your purpose and feel most like yourself. Since we're in the space of 'romanticizing our lives', remember how often you've seen the main character of a black and white movie eat lunch alone, go for walks or live alone...the greatest romances derived from alone time. This meat suit we were given will carry our souls through max 100 years so we might as well get used to the idea of loving it.
I hope that helps you in your pursuit of romance. Our lives are precious. You are precious regardless of how many private planes you will never fly on. Let's make the most of the life we have been given. Appreciate the small things, see the beauty around you and have a kickass weekend.